Our urbanization design service includes electrification, water resource, drainage, preliminary studies and topography networks design.
Urbanization Network Engineering
Medium and Low Voltage Electrification
Feasibility studies, design specifications and executive projects according to CFE legal requirements, in order to create projects with quality that meet our local normativity that allows quick authorization process and a great viability for its construction; providing all the necessary elements for the technical and financial evaluation.
Potable Water and Drainage Networks
Feasibility studies and a complete water grid design with connection spots, that in coordination with CAPA ( State Regulations ) and AGUAKAN ( Municipal Operator ) will determine special connections required for the total project. All this, to bring support to specific necessities presented in each individual project according to their location regarding the urban area.
All projects meet the specifications and normativity at wholeness required for a guaranteed authorization.
Proyectos con las especificaciones y normatividad que cumplen al 100% los requerimientos para su autorización.
Preliminary Studies and Topography
Demarcation and topographic survey on natural field before leveling and clearing, locating possible anomalies in regional lands in order to determine any deviation that could affect the financial viability.
After leveling and clearing the natural site, topography over the rock is used to develop the altimetry executive project in which it will be determined the gradient and precision levels, in order to make financial benefits for the whole investment of the land development.